A New Outlook on Blogging
I came across a video post from Michael Gray a few weeks ago, and it has finally elicited enough emotion for me to post a response. In short, I was initially put off by Gray’s post. Then, I realized that there was some solid truths for us all to look at.
Admittedly, I have not been blogging much. I’ve been at it only for a few months… and worse still, I haven’t posted a lot of top quality stuff since launching the blog.
Thankfully, I have written a lot of SEO content in the past, particular while being an article author from 2001 through 2005. Since then, I’ve been diligently working — just not in the areas of customer education.
So, should I walk away from the keyboard? If I had nothing new to offer, be it an insight, opinion or otherwise — yes, I should. This space is so crowded as it it that there really is little purpose (aside from my own education) to re-post the same elements over and over again.
So to make a long story short, I’m pleased to be energized if nothing else. I realize that I need to dedicate more time to this blog, and I’m certainly committed to doing so. In light of this, I want to thank Gray Wolf for hooking me up with a little piece of perspective.