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Author: Eric Lander

Dude, Where’s the Mahalo Toolbar?

Dude, Where’s the Mahalo Toolbar?

I’m living under a rock large boulder or continental plate that shields me from anything newsworthy. It’s called parenthood. And sadly, I missed the much anticipated launch of Mahalo. I’ll condense the story. Jason Calacanis, the same person who declared that SEO was bullshit, and later proven wrong, was given venture capital funding to start a search engine to compete with Google. He called it Mahalo. It features a crapload of Google AdSense. Someone stop me if you’re smelling something…

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Google Screws Up… On a Universal Level

Google Screws Up… On a Universal Level

I’ve been busy beyond belief the past few days, but yesterday’s news on Google’s Universal Search is something that really motivated me to finding time to post. For years now, Google has made the search industry worse. Yesterday though, I got some good news when I heard that Google Universal Search was released. At one point yesterday, I told myself that I had never before seen such a horrifying SERP. Then, I hit up Google for something else — and…

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Google Testing New SERP Layout

Google Testing New SERP Layout

Shortly after testing the new format of the top two sponsored listings, Google is now playing around with their SERP layout.  I caught this first over on Gerhart’s blog — but major props are due to Lee Odden for grabbing a screenshot and blog post for us all to enjoy. I’m not going to say the same things over again, so here are some keys to what Lee had to offer on the matter (emphasis mine)… The example above shows…

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Andrew Gerhart’s Got a Blog!

Andrew Gerhart’s Got a Blog!

If it weren’t for Andrew Gerhart, I’d be scraping by as an HTML designer in a second rate firm just trying to get by. Instead, I’m managing the organic search efforts for more than 600 websites for a Fortune 500 (#272). More than six years ago and despite being an unpaid intern, Gerhart forced me to realize the power of SEO.

Why I Won’t Be Using Google’s Web History

Why I Won’t Be Using Google’s Web History

There have been mixed reactions to Google’s controversial launch of its’ “web history” service. While many of the conspiracy theorists out there are running and hiding from any further Google invasion, others are welcoming the add on with open arms. Since the reactions have been so mixed, I decided to take a shot in using the service… albeit, with a brand new Google account.

Time to Fear “Big Brother” Google?

Time to Fear “Big Brother” Google?

Roaming the hallways at work talking with Tony, I realized something. I’m a full-blown conspiracy theorist when it comes to Google’s… “growth”. Before I jump into the many reasons why — I had to share the image that comes to mind when I think of Sergey Brin and Larry Page. It’s Pinky and the Brain. Not for the dopey approach to things, but for the famous lines they muttered when I sat down every afternoon to watch ’em on TV…